Jan 24, 2025

The Elusive Location and Schedule

For a film set 90% in one living room and arranged to not be remotely difficult to plan ahead of the shoot, it’s been unbelievably hard to find our location (it’s taken three months!) but we finally have one secured!
Initially we were beyond reluctant to hire a home privately through AirBnB or similar due to the horrific experience on our last film ‘Mother Sky’ which saw us endure the erratic whims of our location owner – a complete psychopath. Less said about that the better and moving onward and upward, we are now in the good hands of someone who worked in the film industry 40 years and has a nice quiet home in South Wales, just down the road from where we shot a lot of exteriors of both ‘Anhedonia‘ and ‘Mother Sky‘. Which is a nice closing loop for our third film made in Wales before moving over to Dublin this summer.
So location locked, finally…what else comes into play now? Well first and foremost the budget is clearer, the schedule can now be finessed, I can tell everyone who what where when for the film. We have a block of dates fixed now. And this has helped us secure more crew (there will be many familiar faces returning – more on this next Friday when we announce). Added to this I’ve been experiencing pure joy working on the shot list and visualising the film from start to finish with location in mind.
All the pieces are in play now – full cast and crew, location, budget, schedule, shot list – now this film is HAPPENING!
For those unfamiliar with the synopsis to our latest feature ‘STILL LIFE’, please see below: 
Chuck is cursed to live out his days like a piece of furniture on one spot, unageing, watching the episodic highs and lows of countless houseguests’ lives pass before him. Presented in two linear narratives, jumping back and forth between the day Chuck became frozen in time and the following decades, his best friend Les his sole caregiver, constantly questioning will he be released? And will their home survive when it comes under threat of demolition?
An absurd, poignant, picaresque comedy.