Sep 5, 2024

STILL LIFE – Final Draft and Character Packs

As we reach another month of the year, we continue to progress on toward our next feature ‘STILL LIFE’. But first, for those who missed it, our most recent feature film ‘MOTHER SKY’ is now available on PRIME VIDEO HERE. However, if you would like to support us directly (and save a little money for yourself), you can watch on demand right now through our site for just £3.50!!!

So, what’s the progress with the next feature? Well we have a fourth draft complete, as well as character packs for all the lead roles – this includes a full biography, costume lookbook, playlist and links to film and reading references for actors ahead of casting. As always, it’s been a great way to plug up any missing gaps such as character motivation and dynamics, which influence final tweaks to the script, and at this later stage it has really informed the final redrafts.

What comes next? Well, the final draft will be completed by the end of the month (it’s very nearly there already) and then the hard work begins – pre-production!

For those unfamiliar with the synopsis to our latest feature ‘STILL LIFE’, please see below: 
Chuck Pons is cursed to live out his days like a piece of furniture on one spot, unageing, watching the episodic highs and lows of countless houseguests’ lives pass before him. Presented in two linear narratives, jumping back and forth between the day Chuck became frozen in time and the following decades, his best friend Les his sole caregiver, constantly questioning will he be released? And will their home survive when it comes under threat?
An absurd, poignant, picaresque comedy.