Feb 28, 2017

FREE Production Documents and Templates

A collection of free (PDF) production documents and templates. Enjoy!

Location Scouting

This sheet is to ensure you get more info than just “Yeah it was quite good” after extensive location scouting [DOWNLOAD]

Artwork Release

Rights can be a touchy subject. Get your ducks in a row with this artwork & object release form [DOWNLOAD]

Continuity Logsheet

A well filled out continuity log sheet can prevent major on-set oversights, and will save your editor serious headaches [DOWNLOAD]

Music Reference

Directors: list the type of music you want! This is gonna make your composer / sound designer’s life so much easier [DOWNLOAD]

Location Release

An essential cover-your-ass document that every production shooting on location needs [DOWNLOAD]

Camera Shot List

Just your basic, no nonsense camera shot list. Because on-set reality never quite follows the storyboard [DOWNLOAD]

Talent Release

Treat your talent well – one day they might be an action hero [DOWNLOAD]


Ideal for smaller productions. A good callsheet will go a very long way towards making your shoot efficient and hassle free [DOWNLOAD]


For more FREE resources, advice, tutorials, or general support, check out QUANDARY PRODUCTIONS FILM SCHOOL
(via www.filmsourcing.com)

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