Mar 22, 2014

Shooting TIME AND PLACE – The Final Day

Well, we finally made it to the end of the shoot. The last day was all filmed within the confines of a car. The fact that I hadn’t driven for over three years (having scrapped my car for eco reasons) was surprisingly less of a concern than avoiding running over extras, and not getting hurt when rolling out of the car. It was an easy, relaxed final day. Finally it felt like a huge weight had been lifted.
So, after two months of bruised ribs, hip, knees, cut elbows, sprained wrists, a split head, minimal sleep, battered organs, stress, anxiety, several delays, emotional and psychical exhaustion, we finally finished filming ‘TIME AND PLACE’. It was well worth the suffering. Thank you to everyone (particularly Tom Bridger and Liam Gilroy who were by my side throughout) who helped make the film a reality. You are all greatly appreciated!
Now, I can sleep…
Here’s our final behind the scenes video (a final goodbye):

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